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Bedbug issues have made an astounding comeback in the past 20 years. With the increase in accessible world travel, bedbugs have made their way across the globe to torment virtually every kind of human dwelling, from squalor to affluence. These rusty brown colored insects are shaped like a broad oval and have flat bodies that grow to about 1/4 inch long.

If you suspect you have a bedbug problem, let us know right away. We can give you a professional inspection for free today. Bedbug problems only get worse the longer they are left untreated.


Bedbugs are disgusting. They live on blood. They have adapted to love people and their domestic animals, like dogs and cats.

They travel very well and hide in suitcases, shoes, clothing, or boxes to find new hosts. Once in a building, they hide both in and around beds, of course, and in less obvious places like behind wallpaper, molding, or switchplates. Once night falls, they emerge and start biting.


Bedbugs prefer to live in places where people and pets sleep. That way, they can easily crawl out at night for their biting sprees. They hide in upholstery, cracks in walls or flooring, piles of dirty clothes, and pretty much any other dark space they can find.


Bedbugs are not known to spread diseases, but their bites create itchy, red welts on people and pets. Some people have worse reactions than others. Although the bites are typically harmless from a physical standpoint, the emotional toll that bedbug bites can have is devastating. It is embarrassing, ugly, and exasperating to face a bedbug problem.


The best way to avoid a bedbug infestation in your own home is to keep them away in the first place. When on vacation, check bedsheets and mattresses for signs of bedbugs like tiny red or brown spots. When you return home, inspect your luggage and even vacuum your suitcases.

Bedbugs are an embarrassing nuisance. We can help you get rid of them. Give us a call today at (207)-974-7385 or email us